Thursday, January 5, 2012

Run LA

A few months behind schedule, but here is my layout and race report for the Los Angeles Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon.  It was 2+ months ago, but the memory of a great, FUN run is still vivid in my mind.  The race was held just a day before Halloween, so I would have to say the pure entertainment of the people watching made the miles fly by!  So many people ran in costume, though for myself, I don't think I could do it.  I get uncomfortable enough with my own sweat that I can't imagine having a flopping hat, or glitter-something or tutu-anything in my way.  I have enough trouble keeping my race number pinned on my front!  So kudos to those who do run in costume, and who do so with a smile!
Prima paper and chipboard letters (from a collection a couple years back).
This was my first Rock 'n Roll race, and it was a great experience.  It was amazingly well organized.  I drove up to downtown LA on my own and parked just a couple blocks from the start line.  The bag check area was a series of UPS trucks, very well labeled, and very well staffed.  There were a zillion porta-toilets.  Barely a line for anything!  I wandered around, and ended up in a staging area where there were water bottles, bagels and bananas being distributed. Yum!  I delayed heading for the corrals (because I dislike being herded for too long), but I could hear the announcer, and when the national anthem started, I headed to corral 9.  The corrals were well staffed and organized, so there didn't seem to be much corral-hopping.  Once the first wave launched, each of the next waves started like clock work about a minute apart.  It was great.  The weather was warm, but not too much so. There were bands and cheerleaders every mile...I particularly liked the enthusiastic crowds and water stations near USC and the Coliseum.  I also saw my friends Rob and Annie who were in an earlier wave as they made one of the turnarounds and we spotted each other!  Fun!  The most challenging part of the run was nearing Mile 10 and heading up the 6th Street bridge.  That portion faced directly into the sun on a pretty good uphill.  But once you made that turn around it was down hill with a nice view of the Hollywood sign!

All in all, a great run, a decently flat but still challenging course that I would definitely repeat in 2012 (in fact, I already registered!) Rock On!

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