Monday, June 11, 2012

Marathon Training: Week 2

It's hard to imagine training for a solid 18 weeks leading up to Chicago.  I have ONE WEEK down in the books, and I am quite proud.  Let's go Week 2.  Did my double Monday workout today, and it's all looking good.  I DO feel stronger after just one week.  Woot.

This is what Week 1 looked like:

Monday: Boot Camp (it's at 5:30 people!), followed by 3 miles around RSM Lake.
It's double work-out Monday!  Heavy legs!
Tuesday: Boot Camp - cross training day
Wednesday: 3 miles in my hilly neighborhood; it's actually a "sleep-in morning"
- I don't get up until 6:30 for my run only day!
Thursday: Boot Camp in the AM, Road Runner Sports Thursday Night Fun Run
(3 miles through the streets of Laguna Hills in search of raffle tickets.) 
It was quite fun, and I will have to try to get to this each month.
Friday: REST  ahhhhhhhhhhh!
Saturday: 6 miles through the neighborhood; even though it was a challenge,
 it felt good to be out there again.  Martha honked at me on my run home -
she's my original Tri La Vie running coach who got me started! 
She was undoubtedly on her way to her Saturday morning Tri coaching!
Sunday: REST and ice cream (I admit it, I rewarded myself). 
Oh, OK, I also had In 'n Out -
I was very tired and worn out from Franny's slumber party the night before!
Week 2 will look much like the above, except the long run is SEVEN miles, and I will change up my Thursday night run to somewhere else.

Keep runnin' ya'all.

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